A national shutdown is the perfect time to take care of the projects you’ve been putting off around the house. Since most of us are spending quite a bit of time at home, it’s no surprise that we might want to improve a few things. Whether you are trying to increase your home’s value for a sale or just need to stay busy, here are a few tips on how to renovate your home during the pandemic.


1) Keep your contractors safe


Make sure that your environment is set up safely when you hire contractors. Providing hand sanitizer and other cleanliness essentials can go a long way in making sure that the contractors you hire are safe and healthy.


2) Set an initial budget


With so much to be done (and plenty of time to do it), it can be easy to get carried away with home renovation projects. Make sure that you start off with a realistic financial goal for your projects, and don’t overextend your budget beyond what you can manage. Ensure that you get a true sense of the cost of materials and labor that your project will require.


3) Decide what matters most


Speaking of budgets, decide which renovations and improvements matter the most to you immediately. If you simply can’t put off installing the deck any longer, go ahead and let the living room project wait. It’s helpful to understand what will provide the most immediate value and what can be delegated as a later project.


4) Start with a clear vision


Most designers start with something called a moodboard. A moodboard is a visual representation of the look and feel that you are trying to create in your space. It generally consists of pictures taken from other spaces, colors, textures, and scenes in nature. A great hack for creating moodboards is to browse Pinterest for inspiration.


5) Be flexible


Home renovation is notoriously tricky, and it’s easy for things to go wrong. In order to keep your sanity, you need to have a clear headspace and the ability to make changes when necessary. Being flexible allows for new directions in your home’s design that can actually become a pleasant surprise.